Thursday, June 14, 2012

Okay, one last post...
The quilt I made for my sister is finally done and I wanted to share...

Her graduation party is on Saturday and she graduated from Northeastern with an degree in elementary education...I'm so proud!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

One of my last posts?

Something I must admit....I kind of like this journaling thing. I have made a few observations through this process. First, I like the idea of having somewhere to vent (and I'm sure my husband does also). Secondly, I've written more poetry in the last few weeks than in the last year combined! I think having a place for my thoughts is a positive, and healthy thing. I also have found myself when teaching thinking, I should put this in my journal! I think I might start a blog for my lessons and creative endeavors in the classroom to share with others. I visit many teacher blogs to spark my own creativity, and I think by journaling about my classroom and lessons I might be able to inspire someone else. This experience has truly inspired my creativity, influenced my teaching, and has given me the drive to pay it forward!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Star Studded Lesson

Today's topic at summer school was stars and constellations. The kids participated in a few creative thinking activities. First they had to figure out a way they could measure the size of a star. They came up with all sorts of creative answers and gadgets. Then we read about several constellations. They were amazing(as was I) that ancient cultures, thousands of miles away from each other and assumably had no contact, saw the same shapes in the stars many times. The kids made their own constellations out of marshmallows. Then I gave each child a glow bracelet. We turned the lights off and each student had to figure out how to coordinate their friends to represent their constellation in the dark.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Creative Children!

Even though I am still on the mend from strep (pounding headache, sore throat, etc) but it was a wonderful day at summer school!!!  This was the first time I've taught a lesson after starting this creativity course!  Here was my lesson:

I led the kids in a whole group brainstorm session to list as many Star Wars characters as they could (Star Wars is the topic of the class).  After compiling an impressive list. I gave each student a chance to go up the board and put a green star next to three characters they thought were heroes and then they put a red start next to three characters they thought were villains.  We discussed what the hero and the villain characters had in common and made a list of character traits.  The students then filled out a graphic organizer about real people who are heroes. In small groups, the kids came up with a definition of the word "hero" and we compiled all the definitions to make a class definition.  Then I showed them a picture of Darth Vader and a Japanese Samurai.  I told them that George Lucas used the Japanese Samurai as inspiration for Darth Vader...they were hooked!  Each student received a graphic organizer to create their own hero for the Star Wars galaxy.  They had to decide what their hero would look like, where they were from, what their special skills and talents were, etc.  Then the kids had to draw their hero on a large piece of paper and when they were done, they taped on a glow-stick lightsaber.  The kids absolutely loved this activity and their creativity was shining through every step of the way.  Here is a masterpiece from today...

first day of summer school

Today is the first day of summer school.  Yes, I'm a geek.  But I guess in two ways.  First I'm a geek because I'm actually excited about going back to work and secondly, I'm a geek because I'm teaching a class called "Star Wars: Mission to the Milky Way".  I'm still pretty sick from strep, but calling in a sub for summer school is pretty much not an option unless it is an emergency.  I've been on antibiotics for three days now, so I'm not contagious or anything, I just feel like I got run over by a truck.  But maybe actually leaving the house for a few hours will make me feel a little better.  Anyway, back to geek-dom. 

The roster for this class made a few teachers cringe last week at the orientation meeting.  I just laugh when their eyes widen when they see my list.  Every "nerd", "geek", and "outcast" from grades 3 - 6 is on the list...and I love it!  I've had most of the kids in my class and some of them are gifted.  Some of them are the type of gifted where you don't want them to be bored, because they get destructive.  But I've never had an issue with that.  I love teaching this class because it gives these kids the opportunity to come to school in their geek shirts, bring their action figures, and make friends with kids who are just like them.  We do experiments like, "how much force does it take to move R-2" and make things like "Yoda Soda".  I get to work with kids I no longer have in my class and meet new friends who will probably end up in my class.  I love giving these kids a sense of community, a sense of belonging, and challenge their brains.  Yes, I love teaching this class. Plus, I get to wear my geeky Star Wars shirts to work all week! :)

Sunday, June 10, 2012


YUCK! I hate being sick but nothing is worse than being sick in the summer.  I swear this bout with strep was worse then when my tonsils were removed in high school.  I was so upset yesterday because we had 4 tickets to the daddy/daughter sox game and I was supposed to take my dad for father's day.  My fever was awful and I literally couldn't even pull myself off the couch.  Fever is gone now, so my head doesn't feel like its going to explode and I can now think clearly. 

Anyway, someone sent me this little blurb "The Hardest Job Everyone Thinks They Can Do".  It is about the fact that many people think teaching is easy.  That's because good teachers make it look easy.  Most of my friends think I babysit for 7 hours and then get winter break, spring break, and summer break off.  Obviously that isn't the case.  I would love for one of my friends to follow me for a week at work to see what teachers have to do.  We are pulled in 70 different directions, given mountains of paperwork, have to consider 10+ different readiness levels in our classroom, have to write lesson plans for each minute of the day, have to cover an entire binder of standards, provide for the social emotional needs of our students, oh ya, and we have to teach too!  This is a great article to pass on to others about the exhausting, but completely rewarding, career that is teaching.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Response to quotes

"Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures."
Henry Ward Beecher

This quote is not about fine art.  It is about the art of creating.  It doesn't matter if you are painting a painting, raising a child, or building an antique car - you put a part of yourself into your work when you are creative.  I really like this quote because it kind of goes along with my definition - where you make part of yourself eternal.

"Don't think.  Thinking is the enemy of creativity.  It's self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy.  You can't try to do things.  You simply must do things." ~ Ray Bradbury

I love this quote because it's all about flow.  When I am in flow, I'm not thinking.  I've tried to explain it, define it, heck, even remember it clearly.  It is a state of mind where you create without thinking - there is no criticism, no worries what others may think.

Creative Classroom

At the end of Monday's class, Penny asked us to close our eyes and think about a creative classroom that we were in.  I was very luck to have many creative teachers during my education and can still remember their classrooms, projects we did, and friends who were in my class.  However, the first classroom that came to my mind was my 2nd grade classroom - but to understand why, I have to start back at 1st grade.

My first grade teacher ran a tight ship.  I can still remember the staccato of her high heels as she walked up and down the perfectly straight rows.  She wasn't mean, but she was loud and her yelling at someone (not even me!) was enough to send me into a panic.  I cried, I screamed, I refused to go to school.  My mom brought me to the doctor and he said I was suffering from "school phobia".  I also knew how to read so I was not allowed to sit in the class during reading - I was sent to 2nd grade, then 3rd.  I actually didn't mind leaving the class because at least I wasn't bored, but then Buffy and Mack came and changed all that.  You may ask, who are Buffy and Mack? Buffy and Mack were a panda and a bunny on the front of the first grade reading books.  Two people came to our class one day dressed as a giant panda and a bunny to talk to my class about reading, and the teacher sent me out of the room to go to the 2nd grade classroom for reading.  I wanted to stay and see what the giant panda had to say, but I was being punished for being smart and had to leave.

2nd grade saved me.  1st grade was such a nightmare that I'm sure my mom was ready to medicate me.  My 2nd grade teacher had a colorful room and we sat at tables.  In the corner of the room, there was a rug with pillows where we could read. Instead of sending me out of the room for reading, my teacher had me read "The Borrowers".  I loved the idea of these little people living unseen! My teacher inspired me to write books - which I wrote and self-published at home.  I'd write and then illustrate them for hours after school and on the weekends.  My teacher also had 'crazy pages' - weird lines drawn on a piece of paper and you had to finish the picture.  Sometimes I'd tape 10 pages together to finish my drawing.

I had creative teachers after 2nd grade, but I think if it hadn't been for my 2nd grade teacher, I would have been a goner. After such a rough start in 1st grade, I needed someone who could help me develop my social-emotional and creative side, without making me feel like a freak.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Response to quote

"The key question isn't "what fosters creativity?" but it is "why in God's name isn't everyone creative? Where was the human potential lost? How was it crippled? I think therefore a good question might be not why do people create? But why do people NOT create or innovate? We have got to abandon that sense of amazement in the faceof creativity, as if it were a miracle if anybody created anything" ~ Abraham Maslow

This is something that I often wonder about some of my friends. Why do they not have the innate passion to make something, to create something, or why do they stand by and assume that the status quo is the way to go. It's interesting that they seem to think I have so much energy but it does not take much energy for me to create something. I think back generations to when people HAD to create things - clothes, homes, etc. Even with college degrees, many of us could not accomplish what our ancestors did without formal education.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


It's been a few days...sorry... :) 

I went to this amazing workshop that was held at my district for summer professional development.  The workshop was about energy healing and using meditation and Raki to balance yourself.  I definitely have some great strategies to use with my students (cross brain, relaxation) and myself.

On a creative note, a few of my quilts are finished, and just need the trim! I made this t-shirt quilt for my dad and I just love it.  It is all of his old tshirts put into a quilt.  It turned out really nice and I can't wait to give it to him.  I also have a ton of new fabric and I can't decide what to start first.  Its funny that I hate parts of the quilting process but love others. I love picking out fabric - I don't buy "kits" because I want to pick out my own fabric.  I want my quilt to be an expression of me, not something I buy in a ziplock bag and put together.  I am happy as a clam in a fabric store, matching fabric, and looking around for inspiration. Then I bring my treasures home...and I hate cutting stuff out.  Blah.  Boooorring.  But once it is all cut out, I can't wait to sew it.  I love piecing it together. I used to hate the "binding" or trimming process, because half is by sewing machine and half is by hand, but I've actually started to enjoy the hand sewing...its relaxing!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


"Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun." ~ Mary Lou Clark

I love this quote! Especially the part about breaking the rules - that is a must for creativity. Creative people are rebels, can be outcasts of society, but all dance to the beat of their own drum. W\hether their creativity lies in the realm of music, art, sciences, or writing, a creative person must take risks and go beyond "sane" and "normal". The "having fun" part is also key - creativity should bring you joy!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Writing a Book

Last night I stayed up late, wrote some poetry, and looked through my computer files to see if there were any unfinished pieces that caught my attention.  What caught my attention were a few finished children's books I wrote - I have no idea what to do with them.  A few years back I searched online for some publishers that accepted manuscripts and I sent my stuff in, and never heard anything back.  It would be so amazing to publish a children's book, but I honestly do not know where to start.  Maybe I'll put it on my list of things to do for this summer (which is rapidly growing).

Monday, May 28, 2012

Late Night Creativity

Article critique....DONE!
Lesson plan...DONE!
Reading...almost done!
Standards Paper for internship...DONE

Now for some fun!  So one of the best things about summer break, is getting back into my night owl routine.  I think I'm a night owl by nature, but I have to force myself to get up at 5:00 a.m. during the school year.  At night, I feel most creative.  I'm not really sure why it is, but late at night I write by best poetry, sew my best quilts, and just feel so creative. It makes for an interesting morning (yawn), but the night is young...I think I'm going to write some more poetry...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Professional Development

I've been working hard today making a PowerPoint for the staff development I am doing next week for teachers in my district.  I've presented at IAGC and ICE for a few years, but I've never presented in front of my own faculty before.  I'm excited because the presentation is based on a few things - Maximum Tier One by Pat Quinn, Differentiation strategies from my gifted courses, and some ways to incorporate technology into your classroom.  My kitty is very mad that I'm ignoring him and working hard on my laptop...

Friday, May 25, 2012

MAGE 459

Yesterday was the first meeting for the GIFT 459 class and I came home, relaxed, debriefed, and now can start to think about how to organize my summer.  I’m really not overwhelmed, I just get really nervous and agitated when I have things that I have to get done.  It annoys me to have things on a “to-do” list, and mine is getting very long.  Today was also the last day of school so I kind of have this “blah” feeling – all my work things are packed in boxes and I just feel displaced.  I think that the first thing to do is organize my portfolio for this course and at least get a Word document started.  I hate waiting until the last minute to do things, so I will probably get going on this as soon as possible. 
As for the summer class, I am excited to start planning for the “Super Sleuths” class.  Forensic science, mysteries, creative writing, and gifted kids…what else could a teacher ask for?  I am also very excited to work with Jenn and Sam.  They are wonderful people and I know they have to be wonderful teachers.  It will be fun to see them in action with kids.  I know I am going to learn a lot from them!  Speaking of Jenn, we had some undergrad classes together and then kind of lost touch.  I was so excited to see her again at a MAGE program meeting. 
I have a big task ahead of me, but I am up for the challenge.  The key to not stressing myself out will be to create a schedule to keep this class and creativity flowing smoothly.  I probably should get to that today, but this is my first night of summer break...maybe I’ll start tomorrow!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


blah! not feeling creative at all today. i don't feel like using punctuation either. last day of school so i'm super psyched for summer but i hate the feeling of being kicked out of my space. i also hate the feeling of knowing all my stuff is in boxes and will all need to be unpacked. it was a bittersweet morning - the kids and I both were a little teary eyed. but after school was over i went to my parents' house and got to dig in the dirt! it has been years since i dug in their yard but i had time to kill before driving to NEIU and my dad was working in the yard. it felt so good to put my hands in the dirt and my dad was laughing because as an adult, i still am fascinated with bugs. anyway i have class now and then i'm going home to start my break! i have yards of fabric calling my name, quilts to bind, projects to finish before next school year, things to bake, poetry to write, homework to do...better get my ass out of this uncreative funk!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

response to quote

"There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress and we would be forever repeating the same patterns." Edward de Bono

I immediately think of primitive humans when I read this quote - without creativity, there would be no progress. Last class we discussed how at first humans used creativity for survival. They needed to find creative ways to solve their problems. I think that this quote still rings true today though. A little creativity created a huge social network, devices that allow us to communicate instantly, and all the technology around us. I also think of my own life - what would it be like to constantly repeat the same patterns - it would have not made me a better person.

Creativity on the last day of school...

Creativity on the last day of school is two-fold. On one hand, I have to pack up my stuff knowing I don't get to work with my students until August. Projects, fun activities, and creative endeavors will have to wait. But on the other hand, I am looking forward to summer, like I always do, as a time for to CREATE - sew, draw, paint, take pictures, and transform back into a night owl!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Definition of Creativity

My homework assignment for tonight...I've been thinking about it all day...watching my students and trying to formulate some type of definition that makes sense...I don't think it's something you necessarily "have" or "don't have" but I do believe it is something that comes easier to some.  Hmmmmmmmmm

Creativity is the innate potential an individual possesses to create something that was not in existence before.  It is the art of creation, the knack for brainstorming, the ability to manipulate language eloquently, the capacity to conduct color and sound, the capability of using your body for expression, and the gift to make a part of yourself eternal.

Journal from 1st Class

This is what I wrote last night for my first journal entry after watching "Why Man Creates".  Was too exhausted to post it when I got home and work was here it goes...

Creative people are often viewed as "crazy" in their lifetimes, but "genius" usually after their deaths.  Are creative people "crazy"?  Is "crazy" being creative?  Extreme ideas drive change, yet the average person does not embrace change.  I liked the quote from the movie: "Society's contribution to change is criticism". That is so true.  I think we are born with the innate ability to be creative, but years of being told to "act normal", "tow the line", and "fit in" cause many people to not be able to see out side the box they have been crammed in.