Thursday, May 24, 2012


blah! not feeling creative at all today. i don't feel like using punctuation either. last day of school so i'm super psyched for summer but i hate the feeling of being kicked out of my space. i also hate the feeling of knowing all my stuff is in boxes and will all need to be unpacked. it was a bittersweet morning - the kids and I both were a little teary eyed. but after school was over i went to my parents' house and got to dig in the dirt! it has been years since i dug in their yard but i had time to kill before driving to NEIU and my dad was working in the yard. it felt so good to put my hands in the dirt and my dad was laughing because as an adult, i still am fascinated with bugs. anyway i have class now and then i'm going home to start my break! i have yards of fabric calling my name, quilts to bind, projects to finish before next school year, things to bake, poetry to write, homework to do...better get my ass out of this uncreative funk!

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