Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Creative Classroom

At the end of Monday's class, Penny asked us to close our eyes and think about a creative classroom that we were in.  I was very luck to have many creative teachers during my education and can still remember their classrooms, projects we did, and friends who were in my class.  However, the first classroom that came to my mind was my 2nd grade classroom - but to understand why, I have to start back at 1st grade.

My first grade teacher ran a tight ship.  I can still remember the staccato of her high heels as she walked up and down the perfectly straight rows.  She wasn't mean, but she was loud and her yelling at someone (not even me!) was enough to send me into a panic.  I cried, I screamed, I refused to go to school.  My mom brought me to the doctor and he said I was suffering from "school phobia".  I also knew how to read so I was not allowed to sit in the class during reading - I was sent to 2nd grade, then 3rd.  I actually didn't mind leaving the class because at least I wasn't bored, but then Buffy and Mack came and changed all that.  You may ask, who are Buffy and Mack? Buffy and Mack were a panda and a bunny on the front of the first grade reading books.  Two people came to our class one day dressed as a giant panda and a bunny to talk to my class about reading, and the teacher sent me out of the room to go to the 2nd grade classroom for reading.  I wanted to stay and see what the giant panda had to say, but I was being punished for being smart and had to leave.

2nd grade saved me.  1st grade was such a nightmare that I'm sure my mom was ready to medicate me.  My 2nd grade teacher had a colorful room and we sat at tables.  In the corner of the room, there was a rug with pillows where we could read. Instead of sending me out of the room for reading, my teacher had me read "The Borrowers".  I loved the idea of these little people living unseen! My teacher inspired me to write books - which I wrote and self-published at home.  I'd write and then illustrate them for hours after school and on the weekends.  My teacher also had 'crazy pages' - weird lines drawn on a piece of paper and you had to finish the picture.  Sometimes I'd tape 10 pages together to finish my drawing.

I had creative teachers after 2nd grade, but I think if it hadn't been for my 2nd grade teacher, I would have been a goner. After such a rough start in 1st grade, I needed someone who could help me develop my social-emotional and creative side, without making me feel like a freak.

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