Monday, June 11, 2012

first day of summer school

Today is the first day of summer school.  Yes, I'm a geek.  But I guess in two ways.  First I'm a geek because I'm actually excited about going back to work and secondly, I'm a geek because I'm teaching a class called "Star Wars: Mission to the Milky Way".  I'm still pretty sick from strep, but calling in a sub for summer school is pretty much not an option unless it is an emergency.  I've been on antibiotics for three days now, so I'm not contagious or anything, I just feel like I got run over by a truck.  But maybe actually leaving the house for a few hours will make me feel a little better.  Anyway, back to geek-dom. 

The roster for this class made a few teachers cringe last week at the orientation meeting.  I just laugh when their eyes widen when they see my list.  Every "nerd", "geek", and "outcast" from grades 3 - 6 is on the list...and I love it!  I've had most of the kids in my class and some of them are gifted.  Some of them are the type of gifted where you don't want them to be bored, because they get destructive.  But I've never had an issue with that.  I love teaching this class because it gives these kids the opportunity to come to school in their geek shirts, bring their action figures, and make friends with kids who are just like them.  We do experiments like, "how much force does it take to move R-2" and make things like "Yoda Soda".  I get to work with kids I no longer have in my class and meet new friends who will probably end up in my class.  I love giving these kids a sense of community, a sense of belonging, and challenge their brains.  Yes, I love teaching this class. Plus, I get to wear my geeky Star Wars shirts to work all week! :)

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