Thursday, June 14, 2012

Okay, one last post...
The quilt I made for my sister is finally done and I wanted to share...

Her graduation party is on Saturday and she graduated from Northeastern with an degree in elementary education...I'm so proud!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

One of my last posts?

Something I must admit....I kind of like this journaling thing. I have made a few observations through this process. First, I like the idea of having somewhere to vent (and I'm sure my husband does also). Secondly, I've written more poetry in the last few weeks than in the last year combined! I think having a place for my thoughts is a positive, and healthy thing. I also have found myself when teaching thinking, I should put this in my journal! I think I might start a blog for my lessons and creative endeavors in the classroom to share with others. I visit many teacher blogs to spark my own creativity, and I think by journaling about my classroom and lessons I might be able to inspire someone else. This experience has truly inspired my creativity, influenced my teaching, and has given me the drive to pay it forward!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Star Studded Lesson

Today's topic at summer school was stars and constellations. The kids participated in a few creative thinking activities. First they had to figure out a way they could measure the size of a star. They came up with all sorts of creative answers and gadgets. Then we read about several constellations. They were amazing(as was I) that ancient cultures, thousands of miles away from each other and assumably had no contact, saw the same shapes in the stars many times. The kids made their own constellations out of marshmallows. Then I gave each child a glow bracelet. We turned the lights off and each student had to figure out how to coordinate their friends to represent their constellation in the dark.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Creative Children!

Even though I am still on the mend from strep (pounding headache, sore throat, etc) but it was a wonderful day at summer school!!!  This was the first time I've taught a lesson after starting this creativity course!  Here was my lesson:

I led the kids in a whole group brainstorm session to list as many Star Wars characters as they could (Star Wars is the topic of the class).  After compiling an impressive list. I gave each student a chance to go up the board and put a green star next to three characters they thought were heroes and then they put a red start next to three characters they thought were villains.  We discussed what the hero and the villain characters had in common and made a list of character traits.  The students then filled out a graphic organizer about real people who are heroes. In small groups, the kids came up with a definition of the word "hero" and we compiled all the definitions to make a class definition.  Then I showed them a picture of Darth Vader and a Japanese Samurai.  I told them that George Lucas used the Japanese Samurai as inspiration for Darth Vader...they were hooked!  Each student received a graphic organizer to create their own hero for the Star Wars galaxy.  They had to decide what their hero would look like, where they were from, what their special skills and talents were, etc.  Then the kids had to draw their hero on a large piece of paper and when they were done, they taped on a glow-stick lightsaber.  The kids absolutely loved this activity and their creativity was shining through every step of the way.  Here is a masterpiece from today...

first day of summer school

Today is the first day of summer school.  Yes, I'm a geek.  But I guess in two ways.  First I'm a geek because I'm actually excited about going back to work and secondly, I'm a geek because I'm teaching a class called "Star Wars: Mission to the Milky Way".  I'm still pretty sick from strep, but calling in a sub for summer school is pretty much not an option unless it is an emergency.  I've been on antibiotics for three days now, so I'm not contagious or anything, I just feel like I got run over by a truck.  But maybe actually leaving the house for a few hours will make me feel a little better.  Anyway, back to geek-dom. 

The roster for this class made a few teachers cringe last week at the orientation meeting.  I just laugh when their eyes widen when they see my list.  Every "nerd", "geek", and "outcast" from grades 3 - 6 is on the list...and I love it!  I've had most of the kids in my class and some of them are gifted.  Some of them are the type of gifted where you don't want them to be bored, because they get destructive.  But I've never had an issue with that.  I love teaching this class because it gives these kids the opportunity to come to school in their geek shirts, bring their action figures, and make friends with kids who are just like them.  We do experiments like, "how much force does it take to move R-2" and make things like "Yoda Soda".  I get to work with kids I no longer have in my class and meet new friends who will probably end up in my class.  I love giving these kids a sense of community, a sense of belonging, and challenge their brains.  Yes, I love teaching this class. Plus, I get to wear my geeky Star Wars shirts to work all week! :)

Sunday, June 10, 2012


YUCK! I hate being sick but nothing is worse than being sick in the summer.  I swear this bout with strep was worse then when my tonsils were removed in high school.  I was so upset yesterday because we had 4 tickets to the daddy/daughter sox game and I was supposed to take my dad for father's day.  My fever was awful and I literally couldn't even pull myself off the couch.  Fever is gone now, so my head doesn't feel like its going to explode and I can now think clearly. 

Anyway, someone sent me this little blurb "The Hardest Job Everyone Thinks They Can Do".  It is about the fact that many people think teaching is easy.  That's because good teachers make it look easy.  Most of my friends think I babysit for 7 hours and then get winter break, spring break, and summer break off.  Obviously that isn't the case.  I would love for one of my friends to follow me for a week at work to see what teachers have to do.  We are pulled in 70 different directions, given mountains of paperwork, have to consider 10+ different readiness levels in our classroom, have to write lesson plans for each minute of the day, have to cover an entire binder of standards, provide for the social emotional needs of our students, oh ya, and we have to teach too!  This is a great article to pass on to others about the exhausting, but completely rewarding, career that is teaching.